Well the problem is, I have so much to write about ....AND....I, well....I am one of those. You know, a procrastinator. I hate to say that because it seems like everyone I know makes the same sorry excuse. But anyway, it's true. I procrastinate and procrastinate, and then before I know it, it's been two weeks.
Alright. So one of the ten thousand things I want to write about is....well, just some of the wonderful advantages of being older. Actually, the only disadvantage I can think of is the obvious fact that the body goes downhill. Young people--of which I once was, so I know this--totally take for granted their young body and therefore tend to neglect and abuse same. Which, of course, contributes to the body's decline! But that's just the way it goes. No 20-year old is going to listen to and heed the warnings of a 50 year-old. A pity. Really.
Oh, I can think of one more negative of being older. It's true that people treat you differently when you're not as young and pretty anymore. My Mom used to say that, and of course I didn't listen, and even rolled my eyes--figuratively, that is. I wouldn't dare let her see me do that. Anyway, even though you'd think you would be seen as a person with wisdom, that's just not the case. Young people, generally speaking, do not value experience and wisdom. They don't, they really don't.
I know I didn't. That's just the way it is. Most everyone just has to live and learn.
So those are the two negatives. Okay, I've thought of one more. It is really sad ....the empty-nest thing. But as long as I focus on all the positives, the three negatives are far outweighed by the positives. Truly, I'm saying far outweighs!
2 Corinthians says that though the outward man perishes, the inward man is being renewed day by day. Isn't that wonderful?!! The degree of wonderful-ness is directly proportionate to the age of the reader. And of course the depth of their relationship with the Lord. When I read this same scripture thirty years ago, I just passed right over it. It goes on to say: for our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever!
Immeasurably great glory! Immeasurably. Great. Glory. Wow. I can't even expound on that. Just ......Selah.
Continuing, verse 18: So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.
The thought/promise is developed in chapter 5, but I'll stop right here to ponder aloud. Or, rather....in text.
I've read through the Bible numerous times in my life. There is so much, so much, to take in (Understatement!) As I grow older, and read--study, ponder, and pray the Word--and more importantly, grow in my love for God, the more wondrous and beautiful and fabulous and (insert all the other wonderful adjectives here) God is in my mind, soul and spirit. He doesn't get greater, He already is great. Greater than great. He is greater than the mind can begin to comprehend. But The more I read, the more I love, the more I worship, the more I praise and pray.....the more I see and understand how beautiful He is. The more beautiful life is. The more beautiful all my loved ones are.
Now, that is the greatest thing about getting older. Is that not truly wonderful? So, rather than fearing old age, or dreading it....it's something to look forward to.
Just think about that, really ponder it. Ahhhh......