Well I guess the thing to do is just dive in here. I have to start somewhere, right? And so I shall.
I'm at a crossroads in my life....again. Since life is a journey, it only makes sense that a traveler will encounter many crossroads. Some expected. Some not. This one was expected, only I didn't know exactly when it would come. (Reader beware: This blogger has a tendency towards over-abundant metaphor use.)
Tomorrow will make a week since Mom died. Her body, that is. I believe her spirit is now fully alive--alive like it never was here on the earth. Anyway, since she was living here in our house, bedridden and completely dependent on me, her passing has changed my life drastically. (Understatement!) (Um, Reader beware again: No one can ever accuse me of neglecting punctuation. If you like ellipses, parentheses, semi-colon's and the like--you'll find them all right here.)
As I begin, I realize the only person reading this will be me....maybe a handful of indulgent friends and family. But maybe, just maybe, I can inspire someone, sometime, somewhere...down the road.
That is my hope. And if not inspiration, maybe I can just make you chuckle sometimes. No one likes a good chuckle more than I :)
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