Saturday, February 26, 2011

Still Drifting...

I'm not very good at this blogging thing, am I? Two months of silence here. I either need to do it. Or not do it. Ugh, indecisiveness.

I'm thinking about something my big sister said to me this morning. Not my literal, biological sister but a woman who came into my life 23 years ago and who I've recently reconnected with. Not that we were ever disconnected but, though we live in the same small town, we go to different churches --wait...I haven't been to church in about three months so I guess I need to say that she goes to church and I don't.

Gosh, I never thought I would be a non-churchgoer. (4/28/12: Update! I'm back in church. Not going felt so much worse than going. I'm glad about it! Best church in town, in my opinion :)

Anyway, she and I didn't see each other because our lives don't cross unless it's on purpose. So we agreed about a month ago to start getting together on Saturday mornings. To talk and to pray.

So this morning as I was praying ....praying for me and asking for direction.... that I pictured myself adrift ....out on the ocean and the piece of ice I was floating on was getting smaller and smaller. She told me that as I was praying that she pictured me on that ice and I dove off! When she said that, it seemed/sounded/felt like godly wisdom. So I'm pondering on that...

to dive off....what, where, how, when? eeeek!

So I definitely need some direction here. I'm ready to do. Ready to be.

Does God want me to be active in the LGBT community in a purposeful way....OR.....just love everyone that He brings across my path....OR............what?