Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mothers & Daughters

When I was 14 I observed an amazing thing.

We had recently began to attend church. How an unchurched girl suddenly starts going to church is a story soon to come. But anyway, this was one of the happiest times in my life. I was going to church, Sunday school, youth group, and I had friends!! Wonderfulness.

So one Sunday after church, one of my friends, Laura, invited me over to her house. Yay! At her house is where I saw the most incredible thing. I remember it vividly. She and her mother were standing there at the kitchen table, either talking about their purchases the day before or planning to go shopping. Can't remember which. But the important thing was...I could see that they liked each other!! Astonishment! Absolute astonishment! They looked completely at ease with each other. They were smiling, laughing. I was amazed.

Later, when I married and we were starting a family, I didn't out-loud, purposely ask God for daughters to be close to. But He, of course, knew the desires of my heart. And he gave me not one, but two beautiful daughters. Sarah Michelle, and Rachel Marie. My girls. It is so hard to sit, restrained, at a computer, and keep my excitement down enough to type about the two most wonderful women in my life. I'm a very theatrical, animated person and I want to stand up and use my arms and my facial expressions to convey my love for them.

So this will take some time. And, being the perfectionist that I am, I can't just whiz through it in a half hour's time. will have to be in increments.