Saturday, October 30, 2010

Met Needs--A Wonderful Thing.

I made homemade soup today. My own conglomeration of a few different recipes. It started out as potato soup, then on to chowder. Potato and corn chowder.

Threw in some thyme and hot pepper flakes.

Mmmm, yeah, and then cheese on top and some crispy rice noodles.

Gotta have some homemade wheatberry bread to go with that soup.

Now, something sweet. Chocolate chip cookies....but wait I don't have enough semi-sweet morsels.

Not a problem. I'll just chop up these semi-sweet Baker's squares. And some pecans.

And a glass of milk.


Now...checking up on some bloggers I love.

And I discover a new website, pretty much by pure chance.

Or a divine gift.

It's what I've been looking for for months and months in my quest to figure out.....what to do. What to think. What to believe.

Somebody who knows how I feel. I knew there had to be somebody else out there who can understand what I'm going through.

I've been grieving, I even described it that way recently to a friend. I've tried to not feel it. It feels terrible, and who has time for anything that makes you feel terrible. But today when I read this new (to me) blog .... it said to go ahead and grieve. That it's normal when you've found out your child is gay. And it expressed what I've needed to hear.

It's been a good day. Maybe things will start looking up now.